Here is a sampling of the fare I enjoyed in a three day span from Sunday to Christmas night:
A Turkey Dinner with ALL the Fixin's, A Candy Cane, Hershey Kiss Cookies, Homemade Waffles with Pure Maple Syrup and Bacon, Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cookies, Baked Stuffed Shells with Meatballs and French Bread, Lindt Lindor Truffles, Black Cherry Lambic Beer, Chocolate Coconut Pecan Pie, Lindt Lindor Truffles, Bacon, Ham, Homefries and English Muffins, Lindt Lindor Truffles, A Meatball Grinder on French Bread w/cheese, More Chocolate-Peanut Butter Cookies, A Nestle's Crunch Santa, A Milk Chocolate Santa, A Marshmallow Filled Chocolate Santa, , Baked Ham with Mashed Carrots, Peas and Biscuits, Lindt Lindor Truffles, Coffee with a triple shot of Bailey's Irish Cream, Lemon Lush (a decadent dessert that has a recipe so secret that if I told you it, I'd have to kill you, so don't ask), Lindt Lindor Truffles, More Lemon Lush....
This morning I feel like I just spent the week on a drinking binge in Vegas and my liquor intake was relatively low.
I won't step on a scale 'till after the New Year and a weeks worth of cardio and weights.
Does it seem bright in here or is it just me?
You can never have enough bacon or chocolate.
As a matter of fact, maybe we can make a million bucks combining the two? Sullivan's Bacon Kisses!
no backbone.................
It's probably all those damn truffles!LOL
Happy Holidays, sweetie!
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